get paid to paste

Dark Hello by Trejn

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@import url(;

/* HOVERING OVER LIST ELEMENTS COLOR CHANGE -> #5c8ae6 to #ff0000 (blue to red) */

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/* Transparent banner under content */

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/* HOVERING OVER LIST ELEMENTS COLOR CHANGE -> #5c8ae6 to #ff0000 (blue to red) */

tr:hover .td2, tr:hover .td1 {
background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgba(5, 5, 5, 0.7);

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/* added body */

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:nth-child(5) .header_title:before { 
content: "Hello";
font-family: give you glory; 


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.animetitle {
margin-left: 50px;

.table_header:nth-of-type(2) a {
margin-left: 50px;

Pasted: Dec 31, 2015, 6:20:30 am
Views: 514